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Finglands Coachways Ltd./

Volvo B7TL / TransBus President #MF51MBX

25 march 2010 - Manchester, Oxford Road. And this is what marshrutkas look in one of the richest countries of the world. Once Oxford Road was the scene of an epic rivalry between about twenty big and small companies, each trying to get as many students as they could from their homes to the universities. With time more and more dropped out, some were shut by the traffic commissioners, until in 2009 Stagecoach took over the family-run Bullocks Buses. Ah well, who would ride with a company which marketed itself on its website with the words 'Our big red Bullocks...' And so, on the red battlefield marked with the words 'BUS LANE' there were only two left - Finglands and Stagecoach. I wonder how much time will pass until only Stagecoach remains. Sadly, the way economics works, this is the only possible outcome of deregulation.
Author: straphan
Comments: 3



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