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Dennis Ace #3650

Dennis Ace #3650

Built: 1934
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-07-22 13:26:16
Width: 1279, Height: 848
File size: 123.72kB
2 may 2010 - Redhill, UK - Princess Way: This 1934 Dennis Ace is a regular performer at rallies in the South of England, having previously worked for the Southern National bus company. The roof boards invite you to send parcels by bus - this was once a common service even in cities, but died out with one person operation, as the driver can`t easily leave the cab. You would wait for a convenient bus to come along, hand your parcel to the conductor and pay a few pence for a special `parcels` ticket. The conductor would then either pass the parcel on to someone meeting the bus, or hand it in to a shop along the route for later collection.
en gt


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