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Search Photos

Simmering Type BH works tram #6398

6 may 2007 - Wien (AT) – tramway museum, Erdberg. The amazing Wien tramway museum has an example of just about every type of tram to run in the city, including many works cars, of which my photos today show a small selection. This is a Type B tram built by Simmering in 1951, which ran in service until 1979 and then became a works car. It came to the museum in 2000.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Wien (Wien) | Owner: WTM Wien

WStB BH #6400

7 may 2007 - Wien, Austria – depot/zajezdnia . A works car converted from an old Type B passenger tram into a tractor to tow through the city’s tram subways.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Wien (Wien) | Owner: WL Wien



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