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Mercedes-Benz O530G II #959

5 june 2020 - Genève ¦ Grand-Saconnex - Route de Colovrex -- A Citaro G II on line F on a nice and rare detour because of traffic jams.

Author: TramBusAl RSS
Place: Genève (Genève) | Owner: RDTA Bourg-en-Bresse | Transport Authority: Unireso | Route: F

Mercedes-Benz O530 C2 #2068

14 may 2020 - Genève ¦ Grand-Saconnex - Route de Ferney -- A second-hand Citaro C2 on line F, a very rare sight in Geneva. Usually, RDTA`s standard buses only operate on lines 66 and 68, whereas line F is exclusively operated by articulated buses.

Author: TramBusAl RSS
Place: Genève (Genève) | Owner: RDTA Bourg-en-Bresse | Transport Authority: Unireso | Route: F



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