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Karosa B731.1661 #618

22 july 2004 - Ilidza busterminal, outside Sarajevo.

Comments: 1

Karosa B731.1661 #615

20 july 2004 - JKP Gras Sarajevo busgarage.

Karosa B731.1661 #611

29 july 2004 - Ilidza busterminal, outside Sarajevo.

Comments: 2

Karosa B731.1661 #608

10 july 2004 - Center of Sarajevo.

Comments: 1

Karosa B731.1661 #604

27 december 2003 - Main street, Sarajevo.

Comments: 2

Karosa B731.1661 #602

20 july 2004 - JKP Gras Sarajevo busgarage.

Comments: 1

Ikarus-Zemun IK161 #436

29 july 2004 - JKP Gras Sarajevo. Busgarage. Only two Zemun buses was left at Gras. One single and one articulated. Both buses were still in service, but the single-bus will later this year be scrapped or sold.

Comments: 10

Ikarus IK110 #251

2002 - JKP Gras Sarajevo. Bus out of service in 2000.

Comments: 4

Gräf & Stift SG200HO M18 #4133

19 july 2004 - Sarajevo. Ex.Stadtwerke Solingen (SWS). Baujahr 1984.

Gräf & Stift SG200HO M18 #4127

3 january 2004 - Sarajevo . Ex. Solingen (SWS) #?. Year: 1984. There are many trolleys in Sarajevo.

Comments: 3

Gräf & Stift SG200HO M18 #4130

21 july 2004 - Otoka, Sarajevo.

Comments: 1

Den Oudsten B79TKM560/Kiepe #4409

24 december 2003 - Sarajevo. x.GV Arnhem #171, in 1993 the company was taken over by GV Maatschappij #171. This trolley-bus, and no.167 (GRAS #4408) was sold in 1998 to GRAS.

Comments: 2

Gräf & Stift SL172HO M12 #4413

16 july 2004 - Sarajevo. Ex. Solingen #41, Germany.

Comments: 3

Gräf & Stift SL172HO M12 #4401

24 december 2003 - Sarajevo. x.Solingen (SWS) #22. Baujahr: 1986.

Comments: 12

Gräf & Stift SL172HO M12 #4403

25 december 2003 - Sarajevo. x. Solingen (SWS) #?, Germany. Baujahr: 1987.

Comments: 2

Gräf & Stift SL172HO M12 #4402

21 july 2003 - Sarajevo. Ex. Solingen (SWS)#57. Baujahr: 1987.

Comments: 5

Mercedes O405T #4410

25 december 2004 - Otoka, Sarajevo.

Comments: 6

Škoda 14Tr05 #4202

25 december 2004 - Otoka, Sarajevo .

Comments: 6

Škoda 14Tr02 #4225

17 july 2003 - Sarajevo.

Comments: 3



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